School Day

Children can enter school in the morning from 8:45am and our learning begins at 8:55am with registration and assembly.

Before School Procedure

Children will enter the building through the doors as listed below. Senior members of staff will be positioned at two key areas outside, ready to take your morning messages, should you have any. Messages will be passed onto teachers once all children are safely within the building.

Entrance points

Year R Through classroom front door 

Year 1 Through classroom back doors

Year 2 Through classroom doors 

Year 3 Through KS2 entrance 

Year 4 Through KS2 entrance

Year 5 Through KS2 entrance

Year 6 All through 6L classroom

When new to the school we provide each child with a free clear plastic water bottle. This is because we understand and value the role water and hydration plays in learning. If the water bottle becomes lost or damaged, a new one can be purchased from the school office.

Learning takes place throughout the morning and a flexible playtime is taken at an appropriate break in the learning.

Every day children learn to write and practice writing; learn to read and apply reading skills; practice mental number skills; learn mathematical concepts and apply them to problem solving.

Literacy skills are developed using foundation subjects as the content of learning to enable smarter use of time.

Lunchtime is staggered for each year group to enable better access of our learning environments and play spaces. The learning doesn’t stop; our play volunteers help with equipment, clubs and activities as do our play mentors. There are plenty of exciting things to do during this break.

Hot lunches are provided at a charge to KS2 pupils, and preordered meals are provided to all KS1 pupils re the Government Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM) scheme, by our kitchen or pupils can bring their own packed lunch. Older children independently choose to dine in our restaurant or in our outside environments.

During our afternoon learning pupils’ all-round skills are continued to be developed through subjects that develop the self and an understanding of the wider world.

After School Procedure

Staff working in classrooms in the afternoon will accompany children out to meet their parents/carers. 

Children will be lined up and passed over to a known adult unless they have written permission to walk home by themselves (children in Y4-6 only). If you would like your child to do so, please email the school office.

If a different person to normal is picking your child up, please could you ring the school office by 1pm and inform them of the name of the person. Teachers will then be notified of this before the end of the day.

We welcome conversations with teachers at the end of the day, should you need to do so, but please be aware that you may need to wait until all the children have been dismissed before you do so.

Children will need to be collected at the following times and from the following areas:

Yr Grp Time Dismissed from

Year R 3.15pm KS1 playground 

Year 1 3.15pm Back classroom doors

Year 2 3.15pm Shared area outside classrooms

Year 3 3.20pm On running track under canopy

Year 4 3.20pm Between Yr4 Classrooms

Year 5 3.20pm Classroom doors

Year 6 3.20pm From 6L doors

When the school day ends, after school clubs run on a volunteer basis by school staff, or outside partners begin.

At home pupils are expected to undertake out of school learning tasks as set by the class teacher. We appreciate parental support in helping and supervising homework tasks.

There are a number of after school clubs at our school (Click here to go to the clubs page)

Before and after school care  is provided by the Alphabet Club. This is independently run but takes place on school premises.

Edwards & Blake offer a breakfast service in the school dining hall from 8:30am for any pupil. There is no need to book and all pupils pay £1.00 on the door to the catering company on days that they access the service.