Clubs and Societies
Kelvedon St Mary's provides a wide range of options for children of all ages to take part in school clubs. Some clubs run after school and some during the lunchtime break.
School led club places are offered on a first come, first served basis and you will need to sign children up via ParentPay. Please note that places are offered on a termly basis only and you will need to reapply for a place each term. If your child is unsuccessful in gaining a place, please contact the school office and your child will be placed on a waiting list. These children will then be offered a priority place the following term, as long as the club continues to run.
If a school club has to be cancelled at short notice (e.g. due to bad weather) we will aim to send out a text message by lunchtime of that day, therefore allowing parents / carers to make arrangements to collect children from school at the end of the school day.
If cancelled in advance of the timetabled day, your child will be given a message to pass on and/or an email may be sent out, or a blog message posted.
(Any cancellation of a privately run club will be communicated by the club organiser rather than Kelvedon Academy.)
School Led After School Clubs
Birdwatching club, Yrs 3 - 6, Mr Hopegood. 3.20-4.20pm
Spanish club, Yrs 3 - 6, Miss Rushen. 3.20-4.20pm
Zen club, Yrs 3 - 6, Mrs Hill. 3.20-4.20pm
Football club, boys Yrs 5 - 6, girls Yrs 4 - 6, Mr Taylor/Mr Ladlow. 3.20-4.20pm
Board Games club, Yrs 3 - 6, Mrs Hill. 3.20-4.20pm
Newsletter club, Yrs 4 - 6, Mrs Stone. 3.20-4.20pm
Netball club, Yrs 5 - 6, Mrs Hewitt/Mrs Brown. 3.20-4.20pm
Rugby club, Yrs 5 - 6, Mr Lines. 3.20-4.20pm
Clubs vary from term to term.
Lunchtime Clubs
A variety of clubs are run at lunchtime, on a voluntary basis, by staff in school for different year groups of children. These clubs are free and there is no need to sign up. Pupils can drop in to clubs when they fancy it after eating their lunch or to find a warm (or cool) space depending on the weather outside.
They are often at the suggestion of pupils via the School Council. examples of clubs are Chill Out Club, Storytime club, ICT club, choir, etc.
Privately Led School Clubs
These clubs are offered by outside companies. Enquiries, payment and enrolment details are dealt with by the company directly rather than by the school office.
Art Club
Elise Clitheroe runs her after school art clubs on Mondays for KS1 and Wednesdays for KS2.
Elise has 14 years experience teaching art.
Your children can expect to learn about real artists, different creative techniques and come home with artwork worthy of your walls!!
Sessions will cost £6 per child, payable in half term blocks. Clubs will run straight after school until 4.30pm.
There are limited spaces, so to sign your child up, please call Elise on 07838 449 499.
FITC Football
Nicky Fitch and his coaches have been providing a football club for pupils across the school for many years. He also runs regular children's' football holiday camps during the school holidays on campus. Further details about FITC and the camps and training sessions that they run can be found on their website: or by phoning Nicky on 07962 233893.
A separate session is run for children from KS1 and KS2, both on Fridays 3.20pm - 4.20pm
FITC Multisports
Also run by FITC, a Multisports club takes place on Wednesdays after school. Please contact Nicky Fitch on 07962 233893.
Little Rascals Theatre School
Little Rascals run a great after school theatre club for years 1-6 on Fridays from 3.30-4.30pm.
Further details of the company can be found on their website;
If you would like further details about this club or booking etc., please call Diane Neave on 01376 331543
iRock School of Music provide an amazing confidence boosting experience for children from years R-6 by making music fun. It is designed to be totally inclusion for children regardless of their ability or background. Instruments are provided, no experience is needed and songs are fun and relevant.
Further details about iRock can be found on their website:
Please note that iRock clubs take place during school time, rather than after school.
Please call 0330 174 2655 or email for further details or to book your child on a course of lessons.
Kids with Bricks
This club, run by John Gallacher is held after school on Wednesdays for years 1-4, from 3.30-4.30pm. For further information and booking please visit
The Alphabet Club is a privately run wrap around childcare provider that uses a space on the Kelvedon Academy campus, for primary school age children.
Further details can be found on their website:
School Council
The School Council is a formal group of pupils who are elected by their peers to represent them and their views, ably guided by Mrs Emson. Pupils are elected at the beginning of each academic year from each primary class group by their classmates. Regular council meetings are held to allow their views and ideas to be shared, often attended by the Head of School and The Executive Headteacher.
The school council provides a meaningful way in which pupils can voice their opinions and have their views taken into account in decisions which impact upon them.
Rota Kids
RotaKids is a fun and exciting way for children make friends and get involved with important activities, supporting charitable causes in the community, all while having a great time in the process.
Supported by The Rotary Club and Mrs Connelly pupils can gain a valuable experience in helping others and learning interesting, new things. It also brings an exciting and practical approach to supporting the citizenship element of the national curriculum.
By doing so, children enjoy a boost to their confidence and self-esteem at a key age and develop and understanding of how their actions can impact on others.