Autism Support Centre
Our Autism Support Centre (ASC) offers enhanced provision for pupils with high functioning autism. Children who access this provision have an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP) and a diagnosis of autism, which is noted as the primary need on their plan.
Children, who have dual access to our mainstream setting and ASC, are valued members of their class. They have the opportunity to spend increasing amounts of time within their classroom and engage with peers of their own age. The ASC provides specialist support and guidance for the pupil to meet the individual targets on their EHCP. It also acts as a safe space if at times the primary school setting becomes overwhelming.
Our whole school vision and values are reflected not only in our mainstream setting but also within our ASC. Our Inspire Curriculum has been designed to be fearlessly flexible, so that it can be accessed by all and adapted to meet the needs of the individual. Whilst class teachers maintain overall responsibility for the achievement of every pupil in their class, our specialist team within the ASC provide enhanced provision so we can best meet every child’s individual needs. This provision looks different for each pupil who attends our ASC and is carefully planned by our SENCo/teachers in consultation with the child and their parents/carers.
A maximum of eight children are able to access our ASC. There is a separate admissions process to our ASC that is managed by the Essex SEND Operations Team. Please note that children who are admitted to Kelvedon St Mary’s do not have automatic access to our ASC.