School Lunches

Lunches at Kelvedon Academy are cooked by Edwards and Blake.

The School lunch price is £2.70 per day (£13.50 per week). All school meals must be ordered and paid for in advance online on ParentPay.

Please remember that the cut off time for ordering meals is 9pm on the Sunday before each week commences.

Meals cannot be ordered after this time online or in the school office and should you miss the deadline then you will need to provide your child with a packed lunch. If they are in years 3, 4, 5 or 6, prepayment is compulsory. This is clearly explained during the booking process. If you have not paid within 2 hours of booking your child's meals, or there is insufficient credit balance in your ParentPay account, the booking will be cancelled.

Year R, 1 and 2 pupils are eligible for Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM). Both KS1 and those eligible to Income Based free School Meals (FSM) need to pre-select their meal choices online. ** If a meal is not pre-ordered by the cut off time you will need to contact the school office in order for an 'emergency meal' to be ordered. (Further details regarding Free School Meals can be found below.)

They are able to cater for any diagnosed allergy and for children with medical conditions such as Type 1 Diabetes, PKU, G6PD etc. Further details can be found by downloading the following allergy guide. Edwards & Black advise that your child needs can only be catered for after completion of the online medical diet request. This can be found by clicking on the following 'Requesting an allergy menu'.

If you need a reminder of your ParentPay account log in details, please contact the school office. 

In the event that your child is absent from school your order will be cancelled by the school office and you will not be charged for the meal. Each meal taken will be debited from your child's ParentPay account on the day of provision.

(If your child has packed lunches, please ensure that all products included are nut free. Please note that Pesto contains nuts and should not be included in a packed lunch.) 

Year N pupils (Nursery) will require a packed lunch if they do all day sessions. (A healthy lunch with no sweets of chocolate bars; grapes, and other food items of a similar shape, to be cut long-wise to prevent a choking hazard.) 

Free School Meals

UIFSM (Universal Infant Free School Meals)

All year R, 1 and 2 pupils are eligible for Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM). This is funded by the Government, and is for all all pupils and not based on income or circumstances.

FSM (Income Based Free School Meals)

Automatic entitlement to a Universal Infant Free School Meal (UIFSM) finishes at the end of Year 2 and only children from low income families are eligible to Free School Meals (FSM) from Year 3 onwards.

Children may be eligible for free school meals if their parents receive the following benefits:

Your application will be refused if you are not receiving any of the listed benefits. Please consider this before applying. Your application will be processed by Essex County Council within 15 working days, but it may take longer if you apply in August or September.

Click here to apply for Income Based Free School Meals


Lunch Sittings Timetable (2024/25)

Year R    12.00pm - 12.50pm

Year 1    12.10pm - 1.00pm

Year 2    12.20pm - 1.10pm

Year 3    12.25pm - 1.15pm

Year 4    12.30pm - 1.20pm

Year 5    12.30pm - 1.25pm

Year 6    12.40pm - 1.30pm