Impeccable Behaviour
Impeccable Behaviour - The Kelvedon Way
Our Simple Code
Impeccable behaviour for learning is underpinned by relationships, lesson planning and positive recognition. At Kelvedon, we expect our pupils to adhere to this simple code:
Be ready
Be respectful
Be safe
This simple code is displayed in each learning space and referred to in conversations around conduct.
We are all consistent in our approach by the way we:
Meet and greet learners at the door
Model positive behaviours and build relationships
Plan lessons that engage, challenge and meet the needs of all learners
Use a mechanism for positive recognition in all learning spaces throughout the lessons or activities
Refer to ‘Ready, Respectful and Safe’ in all conversations about behaviour
Be calm and give ‘take up time’ with the intention to prevent before sanctions
Follow up every time, retain ownership and engage in reflective dialogue with learners
Never ignore or walk past learners who are behaving inappropriately
Steps to Reset
We follow steps to positively reset behaviour. All learners are given ‘take up time’ in between steps. We do not leap steps or accelerate steps for repeated low-level disruption.
Redirection - Gentle encouragement, a ‘nudge’ in the right direction, small acts of kindness and reference to the Zones of Regulation.
Reminder - A reminder of the expectation to be ready, respectful and safe is delivered privately whenever possible. Repeat reminders are given if necessary. We always strive to de-escalate where possible and take the initiative to keep things at this stage.
Time out - A clear verbal caution is delivered privately wherever possible, making the learner aware of their behaviour and clearly outlining the consequences if they continue.
We give the learner a chance to reflect away from others. Learners should go to another classroom or supervised space if they need to cool down and/or to defuse a situation. In general, five minutes should be enough.
We speak to the learner privately and give them a final opportunity to engage and offer a positive choice to do so. This is recorded on class behaviour tracking sheet.
Internal referral - At this point the learner will be referred internally to another room in the school for the remainder of the lesson by a member of the senior team. This is recorded on your class behaviour tracking sheet.
Restoration - A restorative conversation should take place before the next lesson. Members of the senior team may support with this.
Formal partnership meeting - A meeting will be convened with agreed targets that will be monitored over the course of two weeks
A serious breach is an incident that may lead to a fixed term suspension or permanent exclusion.
Our House System
Our house system develops a greater sense of togetherness, belonging and identity and provides opportunities for mixing pupils from all year groups. Through a variety of opportunities it encourages competition in sport and academic areas of academy life. It also allows pupils to demonstrate responsibility and loyalty to their house.
Pupils are awarded house points for all aspects of academy life: good work, handwriting, competitions, sports day, school events and more.
There are four houses at Kelvedon St Mary’s that were historically named after famous British dukes and explorers: Drake, Scott, Marlborough and Wellington. Each member of staff and pupil belongs to a team. Each house has its own coloured PE kit.
House points are announced weekly in assembly, with the winning team being awarded the termly house cup.
Be ready. Be respectful. Be safe.