School Performance
The government did not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year
The last available public data is from the 2018 to 2019 academic year, we have shared our data for the 2019/20 year.
Data overview for 2019/20
Data overview for 2019/20
End of Reception - 2019/20
End of Reception - 2019/20
End of Year 1 - 2019/20
End of Year 1 - 2019/20
End of Year 1 - 2019/20
End of Year 1 - 2019/20
End of Year 6 - 2019/20
End of Year 6 - 2019/20
An overview of the headline data for 2018/19
An overview of the headline data for 2018/19