Visit the Ofsted website to read our latest report or download a copy here
View our SIAMS inspection report here
Our most recent Ofsted recognised the way we are able to cater to all children’s needs. The full report can be found by clicking above. The following quotes are from the report.
’Kelvedon St Mary’s is a vibrant happy place to learn.'
'Pupils try hard and achieve well.'
'Starting from the early years, the school has implemented a curriculum that is broad and ambitious.'
'Pupils learn about friendship, relationships and emotions in an age-appropriate way. They learn about changes and how to manage their emotions with this. Pupils are cared for very well. They value the relationships they have with staff. Pupils are confident to talk to staff about their worries and concerns.'
'Pupils behave exceptionally well in lessons and around the school. They have highly positive attitudes to learning. They know why regular attendance is important. Attendance is high.'
'The trust and school leaders work well to improve the school. They focus on making things even better for pupils. Senior leaders have worked at pace to make changes to the school’s curriculum. The school supports staff to improve their practice. Staff appreciate the support they get from leaders and are proud to work at the school.'
As a church school we are proud to be a part of the diocese of Chelmsford. We have strong links with our local church and its community. Our most recent DFE’s inspection confirmed our Outstanding status with an outstanding SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) report..
‘School leaders have embedded a Christian vision which ensures the flourishing of the whole child. This extends beyond academic success.'
'An exciting, well-planned curriculum reflects the strong focus on gaining wisdom. This is strengthened by a variety of enrichment experiences which enable pupils to achieve well. '
'Collective worship is inspiring. It is a special and valued moment in the day where pupils and staff reflect on biblical themes together.'
'Exceptionally positive relationships exist between members of the school community. This contributes to a sense of wellbeing amongst pupils and staff.'
'Religious education (RE) is effective. Pupils have a clear understanding and appreciation of a range of religions and worldviews.'