
From February half term, Kelvedon Academy will be using Arbor as their MIS (Management Information System) system. (ParentPay will no longer be used from this time onwards.)

Full transfer will take place during the February half term break but parents will be fully informed at all stages of the transition.

Say goodbye to paper slips – the Arbor App lets parents register their child for a club or trip, book parents evening slots, and manage payments all from their phone. Parents can also use the App to check in on their child’s attendance, book meals, pay nursery fees and edit consents and contact details.

Get notified when your school sends out a new message via the App, and communicate via in app messaging.

Below are links to some helpful guidance for guardians and parents:

Parent App (introducing flyer)

Log into the Arbor Parent Portal and the Parent App

How can parents sign up for the Parent Portal to Parent App if they have a child at more than one school using Arbor?

Meal Menu Choices in the Parent Portal or Parent App

Top us accounts and viewing payments in the Arbor Parent App

Signing my child up for a Trip on the Parent Portal or the Parent App

Signing my child up for a Club on the Parent Portal or the Parent App

If you have any problems logging into your account over the February half term, that cannot be resolved using the above guidance or Arbor's website, please email This account will be checked intermittently over the break and, where possible, urgent emails will be responded to.