Nursery Admissions

Children are able to join our Nursery school following the term after their 2nd birthday in Class 1.

Class groupings are based on the cohort age of the children. ie; grouped with the same age children that they would be with when they start at a primary school.

Class 1 (2-3 year olds)

Kelvedon Primary Academy Nursery will admit applicants to its Nursery Class 1 from the start of the term after the child turns two years of age.

Date of birth range; 01/09/2022 - 31/12/2022 Start date for class 1; Spring term (January 2025)

Date of birth range; 01/01/2023 - 31/03/2023 Start date for class 1; Summer term (April 2025)

Date of birth range; 01/04/2023 - 31/08/2023 Start date for class 1; Autumn term (September 2025)

Date of birth range; 01/09/2023 - 31/12/2023 Start date for class 1; Spring term (January 2026)

Date of birth range; 01/01/2024 - 31/03/2024 Start date for class 1; Summer term (April 2026)

Date of birth range; 01/04/2024 - 31/08/2024 Start date for class 1; Autumn term (September 2026)

Class groupings are based on the cohort age of the children. ie; grouped with the same age children that they would be with when they start at a primary school. 

Class 1 sessions run during week days (school term time) from 9am - 3pm (6 hours). Sessions are agreed and paid for termly in full and in advance. The rate per session for children aged 2 years old is £50.00. From the start of the term after a child turns 3 years old it is £35.00 per session. (Sessions cannot be split.)

Some parents/carers are entitled to funding from Essex County Council. This funding would be paid directly to the academy on a termly basis if you are entitled. If so, each term Kelvedon Academy will then ask you to sign a parent/carer agreement form. Alternatively fees are payable by parents a term in advance on ParentPay.

Please note that sessions for Class 1 and Class 2 differ. A separate application form is required for each class. A placement in Class 1 doesn't automatically lead to a place in Class 2.

KSM Nursery Terms and Conditions

Class 1 Application form

Information about nursery funding can be found  within a lower tab (Nursery Funding Guidance) and via the following link: 

Admissions to Kelvedon Primary Academy Nursery is an entirely separate process to admissions to the school and does not come under the Kelvedon Academy Admissions criteria or policy. Admission to the Nursery is not a guarantee and is subject to availability of space on application. Please note that a placement in the Nursery is not a guarantee of a placement in the school.

Class 2 (3-4 year olds)

Class groupings are based on the cohort age of the children. ie; grouped with the same age children that they would be with when they start at a primary school. 

Kelvedon Primary Academy Nursery will admit applicants to its Nursery Class 2 from the September after the child turns three years of age.

DOB range; 01/09/2020 - 31/08/2021 Start date for class 2; September 2024 (2024/25)

DOB range; 01/09/2021 - 31/08/2022 Start date for class 2; September 2025 (2025/26)

DOB range; 01/09/2022 - 31/08/2023 Start date for class 2; September 2026 (2026/27)

DOB range; 01/09/2023 - 31/08/2024 Start date for class 2; September 2027 (2027/28)

DOB range; 01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025 Start date for class 2; September 2028 (2028/29)

All three and four year olds are entitled to 15 hours of free early years funding from Essex County Council (from the term after they turn 3 years old) until they either go into reception class or reach compulsory school age (the term following their 5th birthday.)  Some parents/carers are entitled to funding from Essex County Council. This funding would be paid directly to the academy on a termly basis if you are entitled. If so, each term Kelvedon Academy will then ask you to sign a parent/carer agreement form. Alternatively, pre agreed fees are payable by parents a term in advance on ParentPay.

Kelvedon Academy Nursery offers 15 hour placements on with of the following options: (Unfortunately we are unable to split these options or arrange the 15 hours over alternative days.)

OPTION 1: Mon 9am-3pm; Tues 9am-3pm; Wed 9am-12pm; = (15 hours) (during term time) £87.50 per week

OPTION 2: Wed 12pm-3pm; Thur 9am-3pm; Fri 9am-3pm; = (15 hours) (during term time) £87.50 per week

OPTION 3: All of the above (Option 1 + Option 2) = (30 hours) (during term time) £175.00 per week

* Parents/Carers wishing to pay a top up to 30 hours can apply for both options if places are available. 

Please note that sessions for Class 1 and Class 2 differ. A separate application form is required for each class. A placement in Class 1 doesn't automatically lead to a place in Class 2.

KSM Nursery Terms and Conditions

Class 2 Application Form

Information about nursery funding can be found via the following link: 

Admissions to Kelvedon Primary Academy Nursery is an entirely separate process to admissions to the school and does not come under the Kelvedon Academy Admissions criteria or policy. Admission to the Nursery is not a guarantee and is subject to availability of space on application. Please note that a placement in the Nursery is not a guarantee of a placement in the school.