
The nursery at Kelvedon Academy is where your child's educational journey begins and adventures await. Kelvedon Academy Nursery offers teacher-led education for two, three and four year olds and is a fantastic place for children to begin their learning and development. The nursery has all the advantages of being part of an “outstanding” primary school (OFSTED 2016 & 2023) 

Every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to fulfil their potential. Children develop quickly in the early years and a child’s experiences between birth and age five have a major impact on their future life chances. A secure, safe and happy childhood is important in its own right. Good parenting and high-quality early learning together provide the foundation children need to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow up. 

The term time nursery is led by an Early Years Lead Teacher who is responsible for the educational content and delivering the early years curriculum within an environment which enables outstanding provision for learning, development, growth and hunger for each child to reach their full potential. The number of children attending and the freedom for them to move between groups enables children to make friendships across the nursery and provides a helpful transition to the size of primary school classes. 

There are close links with Reception teaching and pupils which helps the transition from Nursery to Reception for those children later attending Kelvedon Academy. Admission to nursery does not guarantee a place in Reception Year; applications for Reception are via Essex County Council Admissions Department. 

(Application forms and further details can be found by clicking below. A paper copy of the application forms can be obtained from the school office, on request, for completion to be returned in person to the office or by post.)

Please email applications forms or questions about Kelvedon Academy Nursery by clicking here or phone for a chat on 01376 570411.

Admissions to Kelvedon Primary Academy Nursery is an entirely separate process to admissions to the school and does not come under the Kelvedon Academy Admissions criteria or policy. Admission to the Nursery is not a guarantee and is subject to availability of space on application. Please note that a placement in the Nursery is not a guarantee of a placement in the school.

Kelvedon Academy Nursery Terms and Conditions

Welcome to Kelvedon Academy Nursery

A very warm welcome to Kelvedon Academy Nursery. I feel privileged that you have chosen our nursery for your child. Ie endeavour to provide a stimulating, safe and nurturing environment that enables children to thrive as they learn through their play.

Kelvedon Academy Nursery is a purpose built nursery which is part of Kelvedon Primary Academy and is open 9-3 term time only. Our nursery has excellent provision both indoors and outdoors and consists of two main rooms and a large outdoor garden. We pride ourselves on creating a personal and homely environment for children and their families. We believe every child deserves the best start in life and support  to enable them to fulfil their potential. We ensure there is a secure foundation through learning and development opportunities and employ quality and inspirational staff to ensure consistency in our setting. 

Please feel free to ask if there are any questions you have that are not covered within the website (By emailing as every child is an individual and will have different needs and requirements. We are looking forward to welcoming you and your child into our setting, 

Lauren Rawles 

(Nursery Manager)


If you would like to speak with your child’s class teacher or keyworker, you are welcome to chat with them briefly when dropping off or collecting your child. If you need a more in depth chat, please complete the contact form on the Contact page of this website. phone the school office on 01376 570411 or email by clicking here, and an appointment can be made. 


On joining the nursery you will be sent a login for a ParentPay account. This online platform is used to send you texts and emails, as well as making payments and giving consent for trips etc. Please activate your account and keep contact details up to date so that you do not miss any important messages from the school. Website Information on all aspects of the school and nursery can be found on the school’s website, including term dates, policies, etc. The website is updated regularly. 


As well as allowing you to keep up to date with what the children have been learning from day to day, the blogs are also used to share information with parents. It is advisable to subscribe to the Nursery Blog and check it regularly for messages from the class teacher or Head of School. 


Kelvedon Academy send out a fortnightly newsletter to all parents via ParentPay / Arbor email. It is also posted on the website too. Please make sure that you read this so that your child doesn’t miss out on any activities or events

Tapestry Online Learning Journal

At Kelvedon  Nursery we use an online learning journal system called ‘Tapestry’.  This means that you will be able to see the things they have been up to during the day giving you the opportunity to support your child's learning further when at home. 

We encourage you to upload your own observations of your child at home as this creates a bigger picture of your child’s development and supports our parent partnership links. 

Over time this journal builds a wonderful picture of your child’s special time with us at Kelvedon Academy Nursery.

At the end of each nursery year your child's key person will share with you a brief written summary about how your child is working within the Early Years Framework.

Parent Consultations 

We hold regular parent consultations throughout the year. This gives you an opportunity to talk with your child’s key worker and see what they enjoy at nursery.


Kelvedon Academy Nursery is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff, parents, governors, visitors and volunteers to share this commitment. Like all Schools we are required to participate in the, “Child Protection in Essex” Scheme which states that “Every child has the right to be free from abuse and neglect—to be treated with dignity and respect”. (Essex Area Child Protection Committee 1992). If you have any worries about this please do not hesitate to discuss it with us. 

All staff and regular helpers are checked by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). Safeguarding Concerns In the unlikely event that anyone in the Nursery (including parents and carers) feels that they have witnessed a safeguarding concern, we request that you report this immediately to the headteacher where your concern will be recorded and appropriate action taken. 

Please contact these staff members (01376 570411) with any safeguarding concerns during school hours: 

Mrs V Smith (Headteacher (Designated Safeguard Lead) 

Mrs S Lawrence (Deputy Headteacher) (Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead) 

Mr C Joy (SENDCO) (Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead) 

If you would like to talk through a safeguarding concern out of school hours, please contact the Essex Children and Families Hub on 0345 6037627. Essex Police have set up a hotline number 01245 452058, Please contact this number if you have any concerns related to the criminal or sexual exploitation of a child. 


The Nursery has policies for Freedom of Information and Data Protection which explain how you can apply for information from us and how your details are kept by us, for how long, and what we will use them for. All these policies can be seen here.

Starting at Kelvedon Academy Nursery

Stay and Play Sessions

You and your child will be invited to a stay and play session before they start with us. 

This is an opportunity for them to get to know the nursery surroundings, the staff and for you and your child to get to meet the other children and parents joining the nursery. Settle Sessions It is important that the children feel confident and happy in their new learning environment and that you as parents feel confident leaving them. To ensure a truly successful and beneficial start to their education outside the home we use a variety of strategies to help them to settle in. 

Starting a nursery can be an exciting time for you and your child . It’s the place where new friends will be made and the next steps in development taken, but we also know that it can be an emotional journey. That’s why we want to make you and your family feel right at home when you join us and our settling in sessions will provide you with the chance to get to know your nursery from day one.

The length of time taken for children to settle in can vary and we aim to make the transition from home to Nursery as happy as possible for children and parents! We suggest for all children, two shortened settling in sessions prior to commencing their full sessions. We would suggest parents stay for at least the first session and then try and leave your child for a short period of time on the second settling session.  

A Typical Nursery Day

9.00am Children arrive (registration time)

9.15am Free-flow play (during this time your child will explore the indoor and outdoor environment and participate in adult guided activities)

9.30am-10.15am Rolling snack / group snack

11.45am Group / Story / Story time

12 noon Lunchtime (in new school hall)

1.15pm Afternoon session begins / Free-flow play (during this time your child will explore the indoor and outdoor environment and participate in adult guided activities)

2.30pm Group snack

2.45pm Story / song time / discussion about what we have learned that day.

3.00pm Home time

Snack Time 

The children can access a healthy snack and a drink of milk or water throughout the main part of each session, (rolling snack am /group snack in afternoon). This provides a social opportunity to eat a variety of foods with friends. Sometimes the children prepare and cook food, which has a particular curriculum link

Group Time 

Each morning and afternoon session ends with a group time in your child’s room. This is when we come together as a group to celebrate birthdays, share special news or artefacts from home. The teachers plan fun, engaging and inclusive activities aimed to develop social skills, a sense of belonging, maths and literacy skills. We share the focused book regularly and in different ways in these group sessions.


Each child attending an all-day or afternoon session will require a healthy packed lunch. It is advisable that any item within your child’s lunchbox should not pose a choking hazard, e.g. grapes and cherry tomatoes should be cut in half. Children sit at a table and eat together to develop their social skills and use cutlery to develop their motor skills. Each group of children is supported by a member of the nursery staff. The whole school has “family style dining” as research shows there are developmental benefits to children of all ages of this style of eating. Children with a range of allergies are catered for. If your child has allergies or other dietary needs parents will be offered the opportunity to meet with the nursery team to discuss these in detail.


Regular attendance is beneficial to your child as it encourages good school habits and a strong routine. If your child is going to be absent or late for an agreed session, please contact the  school by phone (01376 570411) or email ( before 9am on each day. If the school has not been contacted then we will telephone the parent/carer to find out the reason for absence.


Kelvedon Academy Nursery does not have any medical facilities and parents are therefore requested not to send children to nursery if they are unwell, have a high temperature or have not fully recovered from an illness. In the event of a child being taken ill whilst at nursery, the parent or carer will be contacted and asked to collect the child from the nursery as soon as possible. A child should not return to nursery following sickness or diarrhoea until at least 48 hours have passed since the last incidence. If your child has a rash your local pharmacist may be able to help diagnose it and recommend any treatment. Further guidance on other childhood illnesses can be found on the NHS website


We are only able to dispense prescribed medication (not anything bought ‘over the counter.) We are unable to administer eye or ear drops. We therefore ask for your cooperation in only requesting our assistance if you are unable to administer the medication yourself, or if it is vital to be given during the school day. Kelvedon Academy Nursery cannot undertake to administer medicines unless a signed and completed consent form (obtained from the nursery class teacher or school office) is received from the parents along with the medication and a spoon. This should be left with the nursery class teacher and they will administer the dose. The bottle will need to be  collected at the end of the nursery day.

Personal property and belongings 

The nursery cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage to any parent’s, carer’s or child’s property or belongings. Every reasonable effort will be made by the nursery staff to ensure that property or belongings of any parent, carer or child is not damaged. Please ensure your child’s clothing is clearly labelled and we suggest that all toys, books and equipment are left at home


Kelvedon Academy's uniform is optional for children that attend Kelvedon Academy Nursery. (Details can be found on the school’s website.) 


Watches, small stud earrings or religious items required by the child’s faith may be worn. No other items of jewellery are allowed.

Nappies and Toilet Training

It is very important not to rush your child into using the potty or toilet. As a parent, we can often feel pressured into presuming they are ready as they approach two years old, however often they show signs they are ready closer towards three years old and we will support families when you are ready. All our staff believe children will display signs indicating they are ready such as: 

Our staff will work in partnership with you to create a smooth transition from nappies into pull ups and big girl/boy pants. If your child wears nappies/pull ups, then it’s parents' preference whether they want to supply them daily or to bring them in ‘bulk’ and we will let you know when supplies are running low. 

Great advice from the NCT particularly on specific tips for girls and boys separately!

Advice from the NHS on potty training with a great film about when is your child ready to go to the toilet.

Spare clothes 

If your child is toilet  training, we recommend you supply at least 2 tops and 3 pairs of underwear, socks and bottoms. Crocs/Jelly shoes can be a good alternative to shoes or wellies whilst toilet training to allow them to be cleaned and dry quickly. Trousers need to have an elasticated waist to allow your child to easily pull them down and up, buttons and poppers often result in frustration and accidents. Trousers with an elasticated waist are great! 

Dressing for Nursery 

Suitable clothing 

Please send your child to Nursery in clothes that they are comfortable in, can manage confidently and are not worried about getting messy. Children go outside every day. Warm clothing is vital in the winter including a hat and gloves, and protective clothing in the summer including a sun hat. 

To ensure your child has everything they need at nursery, we ask all parents to supply a clearly named bag for nursery containing the following:

Water Bottle: Please provide a named water bottle each session for your child to have access to at all times. (We do have a water jug available but a child’s own bottle does encourage them to drink more) We also provide milk or water at snack times and lunch time as well. Please encourage your child to drink water rather than squash where possible. 

Weather appropriate clothing: 

A waterproof coat 

Wellington boots (These can stay at nursery or brought to each session) 

Warm hat and gloves in winter and Summer hat in Summer 

Dress for Mess! Our children have lots of sensory play activities and creative activities to join in with – please dress your child for mess so that they can enjoy these activities to the fullest. We do provide aprons but children can be in the sensory/messy areas without an apron and are likely to get splashes and dabs on their clothes. Dressing for mess allows children to fully explore. As they get older we encourage self-care and independence. 

Spare clothes: At least 2 tops and 3 pairs of underwear, socks and bottoms if your child is toilet training. It is useful for all children to bring a spare set of clothes in case of getting wet/muddy etc and needing changed. 

Nappies/Pull-ups, Wipes and Cream: A supply of nappies/pull ups is essential and you may bring your own wipes/cotton wool if a particular brand is preferred. If you wish for nappy cream to be applied please provide a named pot/tube that can be kept at nursery or in your child’s bag. 

Sun cream: In the summer we ask for all children to arrive at the nursery with sun cream already applied and if they are staying for a full day session we ask for a named bottle to stay at the nursery to allow it to be reapplied in the afternoon. 

Please try to keep other personal items at home. Our classrooms are filled with fun and exciting activities and we don’t want personal, precious toys or items to be lost or broken.

Notification of Leaving Nursery

You are required to provide us with at least one month’s notice of withdrawing your child. Please complete the Notification of Leaving Form and return to the school office.

If insufficient notice is given you will be responsible for the full fees for your child for one month from the date of notice. Please refer to our terms and conditions for full details.

Our Staff

Our staff includes qualified and experienced teachers, nursery nurses and nursery practitioners. Your child will have an allocated key person who will support your child’s transition to the nursery and will be a key point of contact for you, but staff work as a team and every team member gets to know each child. 

All our Teachers have qualified teachers status (QTS/EYPS) and all our Nursery Nurses hold a minimum qualification of NVQ Level 2 or 3 or are working towards it. 

We liaise closely and regularly with health visitors, speech and language therapists and other professionals as well as the Essex Child and Family Wellbeing Service. We also welcome specialist staff into the nursery to support children with specific needs.

As parents you are the first educators of your children. We believe in a close partnership between parents and staff as we join you in educating your child. We want to work closely with you. Good communication between staff and parents enables us to inform each other of relevant matters concerning your child. 

What is a Key Person’s Role?

The key person is a named practitioner who has responsibilities for a small group of children, they are there to help the child feel safe and secure. The role is important for both child and parent and it is an approach set out in the EYFS. The key person approach makes sure relationships between staff and children are ‘attentive, responsive, stimulating and affectionate.’ A key person ensures that within the day-to-day demands of the nursery, each child feels welcomed, cherished and cared for as an individual to create a smooth transition from the home environment to nursery each session they attend. Children feel settled and happy and are more confident to explore and thus become more capable learners. 

Your child’s key person will be chosen where possible to match the sessions they attend and with consideration to whom the child gravitates towards and develops a fun, affectionate and secure attachment. You will receive a note informing you who your child’s key person is and they will identify themselves to you. Where possible this person will pass on daily information and any messages about your child’s activities, enjoyment and progression. Your key person will keep a record of development through uploading photos and observations to your online learning journey: Tapestry for you to view, comment on and contribute to. Please approach your key person at any time to discuss your child’s next steps. 

How can my family help me get ready for Nursery?

Encourage your child to have a go!  

 Teach your child to communicate their needs  

Feeling safe and secure in the new environment

Be healthy, active, friendly and helpful  

Most importantly ... Play... Play... Play... Play... Play!

We love to hear about what your child’s interests are at home so we can incorporate their interests in the nursery environment. You can complete the interests form enclosed in your welcome pack.  

Please upload any photos of special occasions, achievements and family outings onto Tapestry.  

We invite you to visit Kelvedon Academy Nursery, where you can see our facilities, meet our friendly staff, and experience the wonderful atmosphere for yourself.

For more information or to arrange a visit, please contact us at or telephone the school office on (01376 570411)

We look forward to welcoming you and your child to Kelvedon Academy Nursery.